I'm also not big on making resolutions, but I do like your self-promises. I think the difference is that with resolutions, they seem so temporary while promises should be kept.
Good luck with them all. They are great ones, and #4 is one I struggle with myself. You sound determined enough to succeed :)
I wish you all the best in your promises and yes, positive self talk does take work but you become a much happier person by stopping the 'bad talk'!
Like you I don't really do resolutions but this year was a year of change so I did feel like I closed a chapter and this year will be more stable. In that I do hope to change my habits and eating to a more healthier way of life and since I have been thinking about it for a while I know now that I am ready for the changes.
Happy New Year Devonna!
At 11:47 AM, dancechica
Repeat this one a thousand times a day until you actually understand that you truly ARE fabulous.
#1 Promise to Myself: No more negative self-talk. It's destructive and eventually I'll believe all the bad things I say about myself. I am a kind, loving and decent person and deserve to treat myself better.
Don't pay attention to what anyone says or thinks. It's all about you and you are wonderful and people who can't see that can go fug themselves.
Stacy ~ It's just time, I need to start thinking about myself. This is going to be a good year ~ it just has to be :-)
Cindy ~ Happy New Year! Yes, this will definitely be a better year. And so far, I've done well. Okay, it's only been 2 days, but I have to celebrate successes where I can find them.
DC ~ Thanks! Good luck with yours, too.
Dylan ~ We can do it. I have faith.
Mailyn ~ You're always so inspirational. Thank you!
Lori ~ Like Stacy said, promises are something to be kept. I'm determined to make this a better year.
Just wanted to pop back and say that every day is a new opportunity so never beat yourself up for a bad day - I've learned that there will be days where I will eat those damn french fries, order more than one pop and scavange the house for every last ounce of chocolate. Doesn't mean I have to beat myself up for it! Anything that doesn't work today can work tomorrow.
Sorry, I just want you to have a great new year and I don't think people give themselves enough credit. You go girl ;)
CindyS (off to Holly's to see what she's up to)
I don't usually make resolutions either, but I like your idea. Happy New Year!