Life is too short to read a bad book.
Saturday, August 23, 2008,8:12 AM
Wow, has it really been 2 weeks since I last posted??? Well, that pretty much tells you I haven't been reading. I'm in the middle of The Marriage Bed by Laura Lee Guhrke right now and hopefully will finish it this weekend. Life's just been busy.

My best friend's son got married last Saturday, so Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and part of Sunday was all time donated to her family. We had a great time cooking, laughing, drinking, etc., etc.

This past week has just been impromptu all over the place. Had a dinner party Tuesday night at a friend's house. Wednesday night was the dinner given for volunteers at the hospital (this is my niece's 3rd year). And of course, this weekend is my Baby-J time.

My youngest sister is state-side right now (she's in the Air Force). We've missed her a lot. She served a year in Iraq last year and then when she got home, she found out her husband had been cheating on her with the wife of one of her fellow-soldiers. Needless to say, she got a divorce and asked for a transfer to Sydney, Australia. Anyway, short story long, my sister, the kids, and I are taking another road trip up to Hamilton the weekend of September 4th to visit our father and to see our sister.

Let's see ~ what else, what else, what else??? I applied for housing on-campus at work. I'm really praying I get it because my finances are in a bit of a mess and it would really be a God-send. I'd have to be on-call a few days a week, but it's worth it for free housing and utilities. I could actually get things paid off, and might even have some left over to put into savings!

Kiddo and I went and saw Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 the night it opened. I loved it! I think I actually liked it better than the first one.

Oh, almost forgot ~ I watched North and South. Twice. Currently, I'm on the 10th episode of the 2nd season of Sex and the City.

Monday is the big day. Starting that day, I'm afraid, about the only things I'll be reading are large text books dealing with transitional leadership and business management.

I think that's it in a nutshell. Hopefully, I'll get some reading done. And I've starred an obscene amount of posts in my blogger reader that I need to catch up on.


posted by Dev | Permalink |


  • At 3:37 PM, Blogger nath

    Hi Dev!!! I miss you!! LOL :) Seems like you were busy, but also had fun :D So I'm glad to hear ;)

    and LOL, it doesn't seem like it when you look at your Google Reader, but it's been quite quiet on blogland :)

  • At 7:05 PM, Blogger Dev

    Nath ~ I couldn't believe it when I looked at the date of my last post! Time flies sometimes, that's for sure.

  • At 9:48 PM, Blogger CindyS

    Yay!! Have a great time with your sister (she sounds very kick-ass) and the rest of the family!


  • At 7:48 AM, Blogger Dev

    Cindy ~ She is, but she's also very sweet. She's the baby sister, so I guess we'll always think of her that way.

  • At 5:23 AM, Blogger Stacy~

    I never saw most of Sex in the City. Think I need to Netflix...

  • At 8:39 AM, Blogger Dev

    Stacy ~ I'm hopelessly addicted. Okay, so I have 2 addictions really: books and SATC.